18 November 2015
I recently attended
Kent Archaeological Society’s Kent Historic Buildings and Industrial
Archaeology Conference at The Criterion in Blue Town on the Isle of Sheppey (www.thecriterionbluetown.co.uk). The Criterion is one of Kent’s last remaining
Victorian music halls and owners Jenny and Ian Hurkett have done a fantastic
job in bringing not just the building back to life but also its spirit. The Criterion doubles as the local heritage
centre and after the conference Jenny gave a guided tour of Blue Town. The area is an historic gem, once a thriving
dockyard, it was the place Nelson’s body was brought after the battle of
Trafalgar. The harbour wall still
dominates the neighbourhood and there are countless fascinating buildings of
all ages. Some have been redeveloped,
but the Dockyard Church gave us all cause for grave concern such was its state
of dilapidation. The entire area is a
heritage asset and should be cherished, but as Jenny correctly pointed out to
us, “It’s on Sheppey.”
there is such a thing as heritage
prejudice. Just a short drive from
Blue Town are leafy Kentish villages where pretty houses and pubs are in
abundance. Closer to Sheppey are the
Medway Towns and here the neglect of the less pretty - but just as important -
industrial heritage has been in the spotlight for years. Most recently residents protested fruitlessly
to preserve the Aveling and Porter steam engine factory site on the Strood side
of Rochester bridge. Designed by George
Bond and built in the 20th century, it was not as attractive as some
of the buildings in nearby Rochester High Street, but it certainly did not lack
architectural merit. Strood has suffered
badly over the years in Rochester’s shadow and most of its old buildings are now
gone. Even the World War Two tank
defences were taken away from the railway station, a move which I am sure will
be seen as madness by future generations.
is why it is important to save our heritage now! Here in Hertfordshire the village of Batford
is, I feel, in a similar position to Strood.
The area suffers from heritage prejudice, the result of a lack of
understanding of our past and the importance to preserve our industrial
that is enough for today and I will return to Batford in a later post.